Cats, cats, cats...
... the flat is full of cats. Well, two anyway. Bron has finally made the final commitment to living here and moved her mogs in. Our new additions are;
Petite black cat with friendly demeanour and an air of assured modesty. Purrs readily and loves a tickle. Has a few duelling scars to boast of (blind in one eye and chunk missing from ear) courtesy of a car accident (they should never have let her drive). If asked, however, she will tell you she picked them up in a bar fight with some sailors in Shanghai.
Great, adorable lump of a cat. He really does weigh an awful lot, I've nearly put my back out twice trying to lift him. Much maligned and misunderstood, especially by his owner (to say Bron prefers Binx is like saying that people with lungs prefer oxygen), all he really wants is to be held and loved. Starved of affection, he nonetheless has much love to give. Usually in the form of a sloppy headbutt.
They are both settling in just fine, have discovered and are utilising the litter tray (thank god) and are getting along with us all. Kitty was a bit stressed initially (he spent his first few hours here under the coffee table mewling) but has since realised that, having never had as much attention in any of his nine lives, he is onto a sweet deal.
So what else... the play was much fun on Thursday, the players making good use of a tiny stage and quite barren set. The two leads were excellent, the direction sharp, blah blah critical bollocks blah. I could prattle on and on but I don't want to bore you. Let's just say I enjoyed it.
Quiet weekend really. The last improv workshop on Saturday was fun and featured lots of cake. I was meant to be gigging on Saturday night but it was cancelled (shakes fist defiantly at the world before realising futility of the gesture and weeping a little - blows nose, feels better). I compered a gig on Sunday in Newcastle which was hard work to say the least. Here is some unexaggerated banter from the night;
Comic (just onstage) - Good evening! (to punter on front row) Hi mate, what's your name?
Punter - Look mate, I'm here to see the headliner and I'm not in the fucking mood, so why don't you just get on with it and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Talk about a tough crowd. Sheesh. Still, I did spend a few hours after the gig being entertained by four very accomodating young ladies, before heading off for the night train. Rock and roll.
Not much doing yesterday. Or today for that matter. Not gigging again until Thursday, so I'll spend the time till then alternating between playing with the cats and hoping some cash comes in before the rent goes out at the end of the month.
Peace. X
Petite black cat with friendly demeanour and an air of assured modesty. Purrs readily and loves a tickle. Has a few duelling scars to boast of (blind in one eye and chunk missing from ear) courtesy of a car accident (they should never have let her drive). If asked, however, she will tell you she picked them up in a bar fight with some sailors in Shanghai.
Great, adorable lump of a cat. He really does weigh an awful lot, I've nearly put my back out twice trying to lift him. Much maligned and misunderstood, especially by his owner (to say Bron prefers Binx is like saying that people with lungs prefer oxygen), all he really wants is to be held and loved. Starved of affection, he nonetheless has much love to give. Usually in the form of a sloppy headbutt.
They are both settling in just fine, have discovered and are utilising the litter tray (thank god) and are getting along with us all. Kitty was a bit stressed initially (he spent his first few hours here under the coffee table mewling) but has since realised that, having never had as much attention in any of his nine lives, he is onto a sweet deal.
So what else... the play was much fun on Thursday, the players making good use of a tiny stage and quite barren set. The two leads were excellent, the direction sharp, blah blah critical bollocks blah. I could prattle on and on but I don't want to bore you. Let's just say I enjoyed it.
Quiet weekend really. The last improv workshop on Saturday was fun and featured lots of cake. I was meant to be gigging on Saturday night but it was cancelled (shakes fist defiantly at the world before realising futility of the gesture and weeping a little - blows nose, feels better). I compered a gig on Sunday in Newcastle which was hard work to say the least. Here is some unexaggerated banter from the night;
Comic (just onstage) - Good evening! (to punter on front row) Hi mate, what's your name?
Punter - Look mate, I'm here to see the headliner and I'm not in the fucking mood, so why don't you just get on with it and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Talk about a tough crowd. Sheesh. Still, I did spend a few hours after the gig being entertained by four very accomodating young ladies, before heading off for the night train. Rock and roll.
Not much doing yesterday. Or today for that matter. Not gigging again until Thursday, so I'll spend the time till then alternating between playing with the cats and hoping some cash comes in before the rent goes out at the end of the month.
Peace. X