Monday, May 15, 2006

I am an absentee landlord... far as this blog is concerned. I leave huge gaps between posts and then I'm overfaced by the amount I have to catch up on.

Hell, I just can't motivate myself to keep up to date with it. I could do it every day, but lets be frank - it's not like thousands of readers are hanging on my every word. Besides, why should the world care that I did a gig on a wet Tuesday in Rhyl to a dozen people and then this happened and so I said this and blah blah blah etc?

I've done all sorts of things since my last blog - a trip to Jersey was particularly good fun (it feels very rock and roll getting a plane to a gig, even if it was only a 45 minute flight) - but I can't even begin to list them.

I'll try and keep this daily, I really will. If only for my own benefit. To keep me writing. To help me be creative. To help me convince myself that anyone gives a shit, and would inexplicably take time out of their busy, busy lives to read it.


Nothing has happened today yet. Well, not really, nothing worth reporting.

Erm, watch this space.

Peace. X


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were in Rhyl on a wet Tuesday?!


I'm not like, regularly checking up on your life or anything :s

10:19 PM  
Blogger Ben Schofield said...

Thanks for the interest Leigh. Your borderline stalking is touching.

10:58 PM  
Blogger Bron said...

well that was FASCINATING

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your borderline stalking is touching."

Obviously not. Stalking requires distance. And I have no go go gadget arms to get you from a distance. Especially not through cyber space :'(

Says you who's been watching video footage of me :p

12:09 PM  

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