Thursday, April 27, 2006

I've done my bit for a good cause...

... last night at the Unite Against Fascism benefit gig and despite my initial resignations it was a lot of fun. The fact that I was sandwiched on the bill between two such heavyweights as Jason Manford and Alan Carr was a concern but I did the business and held my own.

I came home, retrieved Dug from Pleasure Bar, where another comedy pal of mine, Mike Belgrave, was onstage being heckled by drunken scallies. Unable to sit through this cringeworthy debacle we went back to the flat to be with Bron as it was her birthday yesterday. Unfortunately she was in low spirits as she had argued with her sibling earlier and so the remainder of the evening was spent cheering her up with kind words and cake.

I'll spend today making calls about gigs (again) and then I'm off to Newcastle tonight to headline a student gig. Full report tomorrow.

Peace. X


Blogger Bron said...

thanks mister hair :D

7:05 PM  

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